On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:55:54AM -0400, Jeff Schreiber wrote:
> "Stephen J. Carpenter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >then setup one of them so that it has no knowledge of any root servers and
> >is the primary nameserver for the network...and list no other
> >outside adresses or nameservers anywhere.
>     I'm not sure I am completely understanding the issue that you are having.
>     Are you planning to have the internal systems stay internal, and have the
>     external system [spiderman] resolv off of the internet?
>     What I would suggest is:
>     1) Setup an internal root server on your linux box.

ahh that sounds like what I am looking to do
[tech details snipped]
>     2) Set up your Win95 system as a caching server with the typical root
>        servers in the root hints file [the cache zone].  You _may_ also want
>        to set it up as secondary to your internal zones [with your linux as
>        primary] so that your Win95 nameserver can resolve things like 
>        "shit-box.carpanet".

I would rather not do that. the win95 machine is my fathers, and will not
be on the network much longer as my girlfriend and I will be moving out
(on Sept 1 - we found an apartment!). When that happens I do plan to
get around to setting up more linux boxen...but do I really
NEED more than 1 nameserver on such a small network...
afterall if Shit-Box is down...the network is screwed anyway
(the Win95 machine and the Mac...just no point in that :) ) 
>        internal addresses... you may also want to setup allow-transfer on
>        those zones to prevent remote systems from getting information about
>        your internal network [like all the names and IP addresses, and all
>        that.

I am not worried about that...in fact I may in the future have someone use 
me as a nameserver (I sometimes an chatting online and give out
my IP adress to a friend to check out a new web page or something
before I upload to a public server...unfortunaly that
deosn't work to well if the hostname doesn't resolve cuz apache is 
redirecting them to Shit-Box.carpanet)

>     Another thing you could do is to have your PPP dialup change your
>     config some.  Replace your root config file with a normal file that
>     has the root server hints, and reload your server... then replace it
>     back and reload when your connection closes.... but that would be a
>     little more challenging.

I plan to do that too...
basiclaly 2 named setups (both with my local adresses and domains setup...)
I will switch between them with a sym link and a kill -SIGHUP 

>     There are a lot of other things you can do with forwarding and forward
>     servers, and forward-only servers and all that if the above wasn't really
>     what you were looking for... let us know.

its close to what I tried to do...I guess I was just missing something...
the setup of the files is confusing...
anyone got a setup they don't mind shareing? I could use a real working config 
(preferably debian setup based) to read to get an idea what im doing

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
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