I have a Debian 1.3 o/s and an old Citizen GSX 140 printer.  From previous
suggestions on this mailing list I have installed "magicfilter_1.2-10.deb"
in order to print .ps files from ghostview.

I am now attempting to configure the system so that the printer will use

I tried the following:
In "/etc/printcap" I added the line 

Now when I try to print from ghostview the printer prints the following message:

"You already have an /etc/printcap installed.  I assume it is already
correctly configured and won't overwrite it. (if /etc/printcap is not
correctly configured, delete the file and re-run /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig
or run '/usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig --force')"

It seems like I'm on the right path, but rather than using trial and error
it would be better if I knew the correct way to set up magicfilter on the
Debian system.

Thanks for any help anyone might have.

Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979

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