well, no one responded to this, so I'll just say that I fixed the problem
by removing lprng and installing lpr. I read that lprng is supposed to be
better but I also read in the bug lists that lprng has a problem with
truncating the pipe before the printer has a chance to receive all the
data, which was my problem with magicfilter. I think my problem with
apsfilter is the filter is a shell script and lprng wants everything to be
root which /usr/bin/magicfilter is, a root owned program, and you can't
run shell scripts as suid root. maybe that isn't the problem, but it
certainly looked that way to me (i.e. I didn't test anything to see for
sure). well lpr doesn't have that problem and apsfilter is happy with it
and what do I need the power of lprng for? I'm running a printer off of a
parallel port on a laptop, single user system.

sometimes it's just not my day.

        - John Kloss

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