A brilliant card for Xfree and a real steal at the moment is the
Xpert series from ATI: The XFree support is fab - all res, acceleration
features, most color depths (apart from 24 bit, that is) are supported
with 230MHz RAMDAC. Only drawback: No SVGAlib support (hardly any of the
new chips have...)

It's a very good card for DOS/Win9X gaming as well and features DVD
support (not in LinUX...). Win9X drivers are stable and performant, MPEG
decoding looks extremely well. Makes it a brilliant allround card -
lightning fast 2D, pretty decent 3D performance with high quality !
Have a look at http://www.angelfire.com/ca/rchau/ and
http://www.xfree86.org for more infos...

Personally I am running the [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 8MB SGRAM, there is also the
cheaper little brother, Xpert98, same RagePro chip but EDORAM I
think (and no TV-out, which is a bit pointless with LinUX anyway, as
it's certainly not the premier gaming platform, yet)...


       /(__  __|\          Lars Steinke, Research Student @
      (    \/  __)_        www.fmf.uni-freiburg.de, Germany
       )   (_____  /       for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger
      /___________/        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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