Do you use xdm? X wants to know what your IP address is for its security. Since 
don't have an IP until after dhcp does its work, this could be a problem.

Mark H. Mabry wrote:

> Running Debian 2.0beta and 2.0.34 with a cable-modem.  I'm in the
> process of converting from modem ISP access to using this
> cable-modem.
> I get a complete lock-up of Linux when I try to run both X11 and
> dhcpcd.  I can run either one alone and things are fine.  But when I
> start X, after dhcpcd, I see the X server spew stuff to the screen,
> then the screen blanks, and SILENCE.  No X, no hard disk activity,
> nothing.
> Does anyone have any ideas here?  Any suggestions on how to debug
> this?
> BTW - dhcpcd did not configure correctly on my system.  It failed on
> the postinst script.  And gave no expanation of the problem.  I ran
> each part of the script by hand and got it configured.
> Thanks,
> Mark Mabry
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Jens B. Jorgensen

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