> I am trying and trying and trying so hard to get my email to work on my 
> Debian 1.3 system, but nothing I ever do seems to work. I am going nuts. 
> Smail has somehow gotten halfway installed on my system and it wont go 
> away. If I try and remove smail with this command:

To do it cleanly, I would suggest downloading smail*.deb file from
ftp.debian.org and installing it with dpkg -i smail*.deb
The just do dpkg --purge smail.

>  subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
> ... hmm, can't open /etc/smail/config?

Another way is to look into /var/lib/dpkg/info/smail.prerm
and see what causing the problem. No-brainer approach would be to edit this
file and put "exit 0" right after #!/bin/sh line. I would hightly recommend
execute the following:
/etc/init.d/smail stop
update-inetd --comment-chars \#disabled\# --disable smtp

I myself wouldn't do it this way, but try to understand what does the
smail.prerm wants to make it happy.

Alex Y.
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