Hello everyone,

I found a nice large thread in the June archives that talks about xfstt
a good bit, it begins with


I installed xfstt and copied over all the *.ttf fonts from the
windows/fonts directory on the win95 partition to /var/ttfonts/winfonts
and added the

FontPath   "unix/:7100"

entry to /etc/X11/XF86Config and when I first tried starting x it failed
and spewed a ton of errors so I switched to a new virtual console and
typed xfstt and then switched back and tried startx again and this time
it worked, and I am able to select ttf fonts in Netscape now and WOW!!!
what a difference, it's really nice. I'm assuming the problem lies with
init.d but the above thread seemed to suggest that the latest xfstt
installs the proper init.d for you so once you copy over the ttf fonts
and add the FontPath line to XF86Config you are set to go, but I'm not
there yet as I must manually start xfstt in another console. So what do
I need to do?

Thank you everyone,

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