On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Ossama Othman wrote:

> I am exporting some ext2 filesystems from my Debian box to a Solaris
> machine.  While the export works, the Solaris automounter complains about
> network locking not being available on my Debian box.  Is network locking
> supported in hamm?  If so, how do I enable it?

No, not in HAMM.  Or in any Linux distribution I know of.  Some folks
were working on adding support for NFS locking but I've lost the URL.

I wouldn't recommended using Linux NFS as a server for Solaris.  It
works find for serving read-only filesystems but is worthless for
read-write.  This is a major problem with Linux and prevents us from
deploying Linux more widely in our company.

Jean Pierre

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