The Debian install (from floppies; CD is in the mail, couldn't wait <g>) went smoothly; a lot more smoothly than RedHat. The only hitch was that the ethernet was not installed correctly until the second try, and the first try's settings were stuck in some file (Running... says look for an .RC file, but none I can find has the settings in it), which I can't find. I know the correct settings, but would appreciate being pointed toward the file.
I guess I could do it at the boot: prompt, but I'd really like to find the file and change it once and for-all. I know the module (ne) and can see it listed in lilo.conf, but can't find where the settings are stored. The grand scheme of things is to FTP the rest of the stuff; this being an interesting way to create a cable-modem IP Masquerade/Diald (1-way cable modem, requires regular modem in addition) box for the network, which will eventually FTP through _it_. <s> Compliments to the folks who wrote the setup. The network setup, in particular, is much clearer than RedHat 5.1. Also the installation of modules, and explanation of parameters, is much clearer (in fact, in the case of MCD and MCDX, clearer than the docs in the modules section of the installation doc at Sunsite). TIA, Hank Fay -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]