Brian Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it possible to simply install it using the tarballs on the gnome site? 
> Or will there be mucho configuration I need to do?

Call me crazy but I have Gnomeified this Debian 1.3 (libc) system with the
0.20 source. Here's what I recall as to pitfalls. (I would suggest you try
this if you have a system you don't mind *experimenting* with!)

I had no luck with imlib until I built gtk 1.0.4.
I had to upgrade autoconf; used the latest Gnu source for this.
Used libungif; libgif wouldn't compile for me.
I have yet to try the media package.
I ran into a couple of bad relative pathnames for headers; had to correct
these,and in one case convert to an absolute pathname. Not sure why.
I installed guile and gettext from GNU source.
The admin package would not compile until I got rid of the gxsnmp module. 
The utils package would not build until I got rid of the gdiskfree module.

Result: On the whole stuff works! There are buglets, and some apps/applets
refuse to run, but hey, it's 0.20, right? Actually I haven't really tested
everything. The terminal proggie seems a little buggy. gPostit core dumps. On
the whole I find though that's it's a nice addition to my desktop. I like
where we're going with this thing!

A bientot,

Bob Bernstein      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Esmond, R.I.  (sometimes)

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