I'm having problems printing. I have a laserjet compatible. I can get it
to work by running gs and having it directly output to /dev/lp1 so I know
the print/port is set up right, but when I try to use lpr I get nothing.
I'm using magicfilter and at this point I'm just trying to get postscript
to work. I've included a copy of my /etc/printcap and the configfile for

-- Printcap

# You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
# your own filters. See /etc/filter.ps, /etc/filter.pcl and
# the printcap(5) manual page for further details.

#        :df=/etc/filter.ps:\
#        :tf=/etc/filter.pcl:\
#       :af=/var/log/lp-acct:\
#      :lf=/var/log/lp-errs:\
#        :pl#66:\
#        :pw#80:\
#        :pc#150:\

# rlp|Remote printer entry:\
#         :lp=:\
#         :rm=remotehost:\
#         :rp=remoteprinter:\
#         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/remote:\
#         :mx#0:\
#         :sh:

-- filter

#! /usr/sbin/magicfilter
default filter /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -sDEVICE=laserjet -dNOPAUSE -sOUTPUTFILE=-


Tod Detre |"Losers whine about their best, winners go home and @%^& the 
          | prom queen." -Sean Connery (The Rock)
          |"It is TOD not TODD! Do you see God spelling his name  
          | Godd?" -Me

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