Hi all, 

Today's is a great day. A friend of mine and I are going 
to have our boxes. 

I'm in trouble: I need to have the boxes ready quickly. 
i've ordered Hamm CDs, but haven't received them yet. All 
I've available is RH5.0 CDs.

i'm _going_ to install it _first_. The way I would like to 
do this job is that I should be able to overwrite this 
distribution, once I've received the Debian CDs. _Without_
destroying my data. 

How should I do the partition ? i've "read" the Partition 
mini-Howto. Therefore I will anyway have:

        '/' <- a root partition, 
        '/swap' <- a swap partition (32Mo).

        -1- To achieve what I want to do, I'll have to make a '/home' 
        partition. Correct ?

        -2- my friend an I have a 3Go and 4Go HDs resp. How many 
        space should I give to the root partition (M$ mu$hroom will also 
        be present: ~400Mo) ? That's the bootable partition and therefore, it 
        will contains all the system file. True ?   

        -3- Once I've my Debian CDs, how to overwrite the RH files ?

I'm interesting in any partitioning example. 

Thanx in advance, Max.

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