I used one of the retail-boxed upgrade chips from Kingston or Evergreen
somebody like that (got it at Computer City, red box). My DECPC was
originally a 486/33 and supported the 486/66 or OverDrive chips; I used the
little bitty DIPs under the chip to set it to 4x instead of 3x, set the
clock on the board to 33mhz and the chip to OverDrive and didn't have any
problems. Tested under DOS with a boot disk test program (they include) and
fiddled with switches until I got the 133 speed and stable operation (some
settings aren't stable and others only resulted in 100mhz clock). 

I've never bought a m/b for Linux, but I'd say something like a Micronics or
other high-quality m/b should work good. I'd get one with SDRAM or EDO (each
being equal I'd get SDRAM, but EDO boards are probably a lot cheaper), a
EIDE disk controller on board (so you can add your choice of SCSI boards -
compatibility, since there's only a couple chipsets on m/b's), and the
highest clock speed you can find (83mhz is good, or wait a month or two and
get a 100mhz board with socket 7 so you can use the newer faster chips
coming out). I've heard good things from other people about the better
(read: more expensive) ASUS boards, or you could get a whole PC with a 166
or 200 Pentium or AMD for fairly cheap (ex: Office Max here in Anchorage has
Packard Bell 200MMX's with 32MB SDRAM, 3GB HD's, 56k modems etc. for $699.
The demo at the store has been running for over a month solid now with no

I'm sure there'll be lots of answers to this one, but since you asked :-)...


> ----------
> Sent:         Tuesday, June 02, 1998 1:08 PM
> To:   Hogland, Thomas E.
> Subject:      Re: FW: about K6 bug
> On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, Hogland, Thomas E. wrote:
> > Same results here - I'm running on a K5-75 (one of the 486-133
> > "turbo-chips") in a Digital DECPC and not having any problems (no
> problems
> > that I didn't cause, anyway). Heard about all kinds of bugs in all the
> > different chips (AMD, Cyrix, MMX, PII, etc.) and have yet to run into
> one on
> > my systems (I have a K5-75, an Intel 486/100 and a PII-266 all running
> > Debian).
> Hi Thomas
> Is the K5-75 a drop in replacement ofr the 486 66?  Where does one get
> the K5-75? I have a 486-66 that could use some improvement.
> I have a 386-25 that sports an EARLY Cyrix sort-of-486 with 1k cache
> that could use a mother board transplant. I'm not afraid of Cyrix nor of
> K5 or K6, but I would like some advice before buying something I can't
> eat. I hope several of my boards will be made unnecessary (disk
> contoller, io ports video). 
> Got any recommendations for a mother board say Pentium, 233 MHz, 512 K
> preferably 1MB cache, space for a bunch of memory, disk contoller on
> board? 
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