>>>>> "GN" == Greg Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

GN> In order for the local win95 machine to be able to connect to the linux
GN> box, I had to set "wins support = yes".  However, the remote network
GN> requires a specific wins-server address, and samba won't allow me to also
GN> specify "wins server = ???.???.???.???".  So when I try to connect to a
GN> share on the remote network, the request always fails.  So far I've spent

In the german magazin iX was an article about samba and they have a good
diagramm about this. I says:

The net consists of multiple broadcast-domains

--> no
  no wins server necessary, but possible; no domain master browser

--> yes
  wins server necessary; one local masterbrowser for each subnet
  necessary; one domain masterbrowser necessary

  Does a WinNT primary domaincontroller exist in the subnet?

  --> yes
    in the subnet of the PDC:
        wins server = <ip nr>
        os level = 0
        preffered master = no
        local master = no
        domain master = no
    in the other subnet
        wins server = <ip nr>
        os level = 65
        preffered master = yes
        local master = yes
        domain master = no

  --> no
    Samba as domain masterbrowser ?
    --> yes
      in one subnet:
        wins support = yes
        os level = 65
        preffered master = yes
        local master = yes
        domain master = yes
      in the other subnet
        wins server = <ip nr>
        os level = 65
        preffered master = yes
        local master = yes
        domain master = no
    --> no
      wins server = <ip nr>
      os level = 0
      preffered master = no
      domain master = no

Hope this helps,

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