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On Sat, 23 May 1998 19:21:06 +0000, Rev. Joseph Carter wrote:

>The .deb is proprietary to Debian.  =3Dp  The installation and removal scri=

    Any particular reason you have Quoted Printable on?

>Do you remember a release of bash that made it in to unstable not long ago?=

    No.  I dislike bash and don't use it.

>In the same circumstances, would I have been able to do that with a slp
>file?  Likely not.  Probably not.

    And neither you or I can answer that question.  I have found out what the
problem with this thread is.  Most people are taking it as a religious
affront.  Look, use whatever slings your dingy, alright?  But let's keep a
few things grounded in fact.

1: SLP is beta, as is the rest of Stampede.  How fun was DEB in its infancy. 
IIRC DEB was not always an ar archive of tars.

2: What I am talking about is the ideal that SLP presents, not the technical
nitty gritty.  Take that elsewhere.  If you want to argue technical nitty
gritty let's remember that I am on the Debian mailing list because, guess
what, I *RUN* Debian.  I guess that means, at the core of it, on the day to
day operations, I must agree with the format, huh?

3: No one should ever get so religious about any topic that they are
automatically closed to new ideas and ideals.  No one.  

- -- 
             Steve C. Lamb             | Opinions expressed by me are not my
    http://www.calweb.com/~morpheus    | employer's.  They hired me for my
             ICQ: 5107343              | skills and labor, not my opinions!
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