On Sat, 23 May 1998 12:05:09 +0200 (CEST), Orn E. Hansen wrote:

>  The problem with news servers, and reading threads like this one there, is
>for the home user.  If you have a 28.8 link, or 14.4 link, and start reading
>the news, you will be downloading a far greater amount than if you just
>subscribe via email.  You'll never have the patience to wait for the whole
>news to finish, not to mention that many ISP news servers are simply buggy in
>the first place.

    Uhm, I beg to differ.  On a newsgroup with moderate traffic (50-60
messages/day) the amount of data transfered to read what I want to read is
less than if it were a mailing list.  The difference is, a mailing list, all
message bodies are transfered.  With a newsgroup only the bodies of the
messages read are transfered.    

             Steve C. Lamb             | Opinions expressed by me are not my
    http://www.calweb.com/~morpheus    | employer's.  They hired me for my
             ICQ: 5107343              | skills and labor, not my opinions!

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