I would like a copy of this file on the registry.

On Fri, 22 May 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:

> Ulisses Alonso wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > Does such thing exist?
> nothing exists that I know of...however...I do have a file which describes the
> registry....it gives byte offsetts...all sorts of
> info....
> possibly enough info to write an editor (somebody decided to spend a few
> sleepless
> nights and compile such a file, covers win3.1, win95 and NT)
> It was not written by M$...and I doubt they would give out the info without
> signing some serious NDAs and probably giving them a good amount
> of $$ ..and even then they might not tell you much
> someone asked me to write one..and gave me this file but...
> it is way to complex for me....and looks like a PITA to work with...
> I am forrced to wonder if this convoluted system is some brilliant system 
> which
> was
> made purposfully convoluted so that noone else can work with it without help 
> from
> M$ or.... if it is just one more example of very very poor planning and bad
> programming
> (I am inclined to believe the latter over the former)
> (BTW if you want that file on the regisrty....I think I can find it...)
> -Steve
> --
> ** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
> "We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and
>  to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful
>  and his children smart."
>  -- H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)

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