If I understand the situation, IP masquerading
is what you want.  The addresses assigned to
the machine connected to the modem should be
from the block of addresses reserved for "private"
networks (networks that will not connect to the

The IP Masq process will forward the traffic from
the remote machine to the internet (thru the PPP
box) and back.  It basically replaces the address
of the remote machine with its address so the 
internet only sees traffic from the PPP box.

You will want to enable ip always defragment in the
kernel network setup to make sure any fragmented
packets get forwarded correctly (only the first
fragment contains all the information on the
source and destination machines).

Hope this helps,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Su [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 1998 1:31 PM
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: faking the hardware address?
> My linux box is connected to a campus network, and i'd like to provide
> access to that network to a machine connected over a serial/modem line
> via PPP.  i *think* the normal way to do this would be:
>  - get an IP assigned for the PPP box
>  - compile the linux kernel with IP forwarding and have it route
>    packets to and from the PPP box
>  - make the gateway that my linux box uses accept packets from the new
>    IP with my ethernet card's hardware address and through my ethernet
>    port
> the first two I can do, but the third one may be problematic, as I'm
> not an administrator for the gateway or anything.  i have been told
> that i can have multiple machines connect through my port (using a
> hub), but it expects each IP to have a unique hardware address.
> My question is: can I fake this?  all i think i need is to have the
> linux box use a different hardware address for packets using the
> second IP, right?
> thanks in advance for any random thoughts or ideas...
> -alan
> --
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