> 2.) I don't think that this one is possible, but here goes:  We are using a 
> "real" IP
> address from the company that we work for, and are wondering if there is a way
> to create a "virtual network" using IP Masquerade or some such.  For example, 
> a
> browser would hit the DNS at out "public" server and be directed to an address
> like  There would have to be two NIC's in the main server, and 
> have
> it hooked up to a hub with all the other workstations on it.

I don't think so either.. :)

> 3.) When I installed 1.3.1, I installed from the packages on the CD the wu-ftp
> server.  I also chose to use shadow passwords.  Now whenever a "real" user
> (added with adduser) FTP's to the site, they cannot log in via FTP.  It tells 
> them
> access denied.  Any ideas?

it SHOULD work, you might want to look at /etc/ftpaccess and also check the
logs, they might say why access was denied..

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