On Tue, May 12, 1998 at 03:26:30PM -0500, Henry Hollenberg wrote:
> Hello,
> I've set up a DNS server (primary and secondary) using
> Debian and noticed alot of extra empty files in /var/named.
> They look like:
> db.rcwm.000320
> db.rcwm.000328
> db.rcwm.000330
> db.rcwm.000332
> db.
> db.
> db.
> etc, they're all dated from the first few days when I was trying
> to get everything working and so were probably the result of some mistake
> I made, just curious as to what that might have been.

if I remember correctly, this looks like a cache dump (ie. you sent it the
signal -- kill -something that caused it to dump all the cached ip's into
file(s)..) But I could be wrong, its been a while since I messed with named

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