That program uses a very very very old Imlib. The one I package for Debian will not work. If you are interested in a program to put pictures in the background of your term windows look into Eterm. It also uses Imlib -- but it works with the current version and is under development. rxvt-imlib is not.
Asher Haig wrote: > > I installed the Im-lib non-free libraries (same thing happened when I > tried the standard Im-libs libs) and tried to compile rxvt-imlib from the > tarball that was on the E site. When I was compiling it, I find that > there is no X11/imlib.h. Where is that supposed to come from? If I > symlink /usr/X11/lib/X11/imlib.h to /usr/include/imlib.h it goes past > that section with some warnings, but ends up with not being able to find > -lIm. > > What can I do? > > =--------------------------------------------= > | Asher Haig [EMAIL PROTECTED] | > | Pager/Voice Mail (972) 328-9247 | > =--------------------------------------------= > "It was like a visit by Don Carleone. I expected to > find a bloody computer monitor in my bed the next day." > -- Mark Andreessen regarding the visit from Microsoft. > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- ----------------------------------------------- How can you see, when your mind is not open? How can you think, when your eyes are closed? - Jason Bonham Band, "Ordinary Black and White" ----------------------------------------------- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]