About 3 weeks ago I managed to get dual booting WinNT4 and Debian 1.3.1 (I doubt it's R6) but faced the following problems, so I think they may be of use to you seeing as I used the same mini-HOWTO.
I don't think that the HOWTO made clear that you have to run lilo (by simply typing in 'lilo') before you peel the bootsector to point the NT loader to. That was the simple problem that stopped it working for me. Don't forget that if you change any set up details or modify lilo at all, you have to type lilo again and peel the bootsector off again: It's perfectly simple but it means that you must always keep the boot disk =) You do have NT version 4 don't you? If you have NT 3.? then there's a separate HOWTO for this. Regarding the partitioning program, I really don't recommend using one program for all partitioning. If you want to create a partition for NT, use the NT partitioning program. If you want to create a partition for Linux, use the Linux one. HOWEVER, I don't recommend using 95 or dos for partitioning, --apart from what you did in dos to get started-- as long as you have NT4. This is because dos and 95 (especially 95) were essentially designed to run as the only OS on your system, because 95 is considered an 'end user' platform, not for power users and developers, etc. NT4 is much nicer, in the way that it was designed to coexist with 95 and other OSs because it is aimed at the power user/developer -- hence the rather nice bootloader. This means that _IMHO_ Use NT4 for disk partitioning for NT and 95 partitions, and use the linux one for linux partitions. NT4 seems to accept that you do have partitions that are alien to it, and that you might want to keep them =) It doesn't recognise the linux partitions as linux ones, but it does recognise that there is a partition there that it knows it doesn't understand and assumes that it's important. I like the NT disk administrator for managing 95/dos/NT partitions (it's in the 'administrative tools' section and is always installed with NT4), but would never use anything but linux to manage linux partitions Good luck, Tristan |******************************************************** | | "You're Not Our Brightest Year" - Mr Boon, | | Headteacher of my school: | | -St Bede's, Cambridge | | | | "Tristan you're so annoying!! | | I'm sorry, you're not really, you're very sweet" | | -Mrs Myers, Maths Teacher | | | ********************************************************* Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Home page: Http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/greensideburns (completely useless and miserably neglected during preparation for GCSE exams) In the summer I'll to have a _real_ project to get on with: www.greensideburns.co.uk !!! Anyone know where I can get this dom name cheaper than $70 ? How about a British one? I think I'm going to use Netmegs ( www.netmegs.com ) for a virtual server -- $10 a month for 5 megs + own domain name as above, as long as I pay $70 to another outfit. Any ideas on this? Helpful hints? Email me - please!
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