>   Tim> 2. I notice there is currently no mention of bug#21412 in the
>   Tim> bug-tracking system.  Will this bug be considered closed?
> Yes, I closed it via a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Please chill out a little and read the emails you got yesterday.  I released
> tob_0.14-5 yesterday 
> This means that 0.14-4 is gone.
> Vanished. Nothing left. [ It's still in the mirrors, but no longer on
> master.debian.org and will be replaced in the mirrors. ] 

I read the emails (and replied to you, I believe)... my question as to whether 
tob_0.14-4.deb would be removed from Debian download sights was sincere. Not 
being a Debian developer, I have no way of knowing that uploading tob_0.14-5 
implies tob_0.14-4 is "gone, vanished, nothing left".  That is why I asked.

> Are you happy ?

With tob_0.14-4 no longer available for download, I am happy. If I spend my 
time tracking down and reporting a bug that has the potential to wipe out 
someones system, and the response I get for doing so if there is a next time 
is to "chill out", I will not be happy.
> I adopted a better fix upon a suggestion from a
> fellow developer and made tob depend explicitly on debianutils. Ie you cannot
> run it without having debianutils installed.

This is good.
> I am sorry for the grieve that the package caused you. In retrospect, I
> should have added the dependency on debianutils in tob_0.14-4 when tempfile
> was added for safer creation of temporary files. 

> You helped us in finding the bug, and hence helped other users from being
> bitten by it. Thanks !

Ok, let's consider the issue closed.

- Tim

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