Mark Phillips writes:
> Hi,
> I have just installed a third IDE hard drive (my board supports up to 4). 
> I have configured the BIOS.  Now I want to use lilo to make it possible to
> boot from it (it currently has DOS on it), but when I try, it comes up
> with: 
> # lilo
> Added linux *
> Added dos
> ide: probable bad entry for /dev/hdc
> ide: to fix it, run:  /usr/src/linux/scripts/MAKEDEV.ide
> Warning: BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible
> ide: probable bad entry for /dev/hdc
> ide: to fix it, run:  /usr/src/linux/scripts/MAKEDEV.ide
> Warning: BIOS drive 0x82 may not be accessible
> Added dad
> I don't know whether to believe its explanation.  I suspect something else
> might be wrong.  Any ideas?

The answer comes straight out of the LILO manual (/usr/doc/lilo/manual*)

More than two disks
- - - - - - - - - -

On systems with more than two disks, typically only the first two can be
accessed. The configuration choices are therefore the same as with two

When attempting to access one of the extra disks, LILO displays a warning
message ( Warning: BIOS drive 0x<number> may not be accessible ) but does
not abort. This is done in order to allow the lucky few whose BIOS (or
controller-BIOS) does support more than two drives to make use of this
feature. By all others, this warning should be considered a fatal error.

Note that the two disks restriction is only imposed by the BIOS. Linux
normally has no problems using all disks once it is booted.

In a nutshell, since your BIOS supports 4 drives, ignore the warnings.

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Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
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