On 8 Apr, Kenneth L. Summers wrote in reply to > David B. Wilson >> Is there a way to do a clean shutdown without becoming root? >> (Preferably still restricting access to those who can push the power button.) >> > > The method I tell folks around here to use is to go to a virtual console, > press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and watch for the bios screen. Then shut it off. > If there is a better way, I'd be interested in hearing it (mostly so I can > make sure nobody does it :)
ObDisclaimers: I have no idea what, if anything, I just broke. I have modified /etc/inittab and /etc/kbd/default.map.gz. In /etc/kbd/default.map.gz, I have Control-Alt-Insert mapped to KeyboardSignal, and in /etc/inittab, I have added a line (okay, I uncommented one that was already there and modified it) that runs "shutdown -h now" when it receives a kbsignal. This way, when I press Control-Alt-Insert, it does something almost like Ctrl-Alt-Del, but halts instead of rebooting. On my laptop, or on some machines which support power management, this turns off the power as well. I suppose you could modify the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to halt instead of rebooting, but I like the option to choose rebooting or halting. I can provide copies of the relevant parts of those files on request - I have three machines running Debian right now, and I've made this modification on two of them. Guess which of the three has net access :-) -- Stephen Ryan Debian GNU/Linux Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]