
I'm trying to get a Multi-CD player Pioneer DRM-602X to work on a Debian
1.3.1 system (kernel 2.0.33 custom-compiled using make-kpkg) with
an Adaptec 2940AU SCSI controller, but without luck...
The various CD-ROM drives get different LUNs at boot-up, but then I get
timeout errors while trying to mount the CDs.
The SCSI chain also contains a Samsung SCSI HDD (ID 0), a SCSI CD-ROM
drive from MediaVision (ID 1) and an HP DAT C1533A streamer (ID 2).
As far as I can tell, termination is OK, as is the external SCSI cable.
The kernel SCSI options also seem to be correctly set. 

Any idea on how to make this thing work would be greatly appreciated!

I'm sorry for being slightly off-topic, but a search on www.dejanews.com
and www.reference.com didn't produce any useful results...


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