>>"King" == King Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

King> I hope you continue to support packages like xv and netpbm. I
King> think there are too many good packages out there for the
King> freeware community to ignore.  If you support them please make
King> them as easily accessible as possible.  As I said before I, and
King> I am sure others, will use ultra-free software before the
King> semi-free software, and commercial software as a last resort.

        Thank you.

        I do not think we shall ever stop supporting non-free
 packages, since they are indeed in wide use by our users. And I think
 that there are vendors who sell parts non-free bundled in with the so
 called ``official'' CD's, either as an add on, or as a non-official
 debian cd set.

 "I couldn't remember things until I took that Sam Carnegie course."
 Bill Peterson, former Houston Oiler football coach
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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