Subject: Re: Ooooh A new HDD!
        Date: Sat, Mar 28, 1998 at 10:20:19AM +1200

In reply to:Michael Beattie

Quoting Michael Beattie([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Fri, 27 Mar 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > As for making it appear as part of the original drive, that is what
> > > > /etc/fstab is for.
> > > 
> > > Yes, but I meant this:
> > > 
> > > current: 195MB
> > > new    : 106MB
> > > 
> > > add    : 301MB
> > > 
> > > so that it appears the drive now has 301 MB. I think this is something you
> > > have to compile into the kernel? CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD ?
> > > 
> > 
> > No, the kernel does not have to be recompiled when you add new disks.
> > 
> > If you want to put /usr/local on a New (empty) disk partition.
> > 
> >  1.  mke2fs /dev/???
> >  2.  mount /dev/??? /mnt
> >  3.  ( cd /usr/local ; tar clf - . ) | ( cd /mnt ; tar xvpBf - )
> >        #3 copies all files from /usr/local to /dev/??? (which will
> >        become the New /usr/local
> >  4. varify the #3 did it correctly  - diff -r /usr/local /mnt
> >  5.  edit /etc/fstab - add the new partition
> >      ie   /dev/hdb1        /usr/local   ext2        defaults   1   2
> >  6. Now delete the OLD /usr/local directory.  cd /usr ; rm -rf ./local
> >  7. umount /mnt   ( not really necessary )
> >  8. Now reboot the system & enjoy your new drive.
> I dont know how to explain myself better! I already know of this method,
> (thanks for the step by step, I didnt know how to do it..) but what I
> meant was that there was something about "multidisk" support or something
> in the kernel config, that made the drive to appear as ONE 301MB drive..
> something to do with RAID I think, there is also a package in bo, mdutils,
> which I think I need to use:


  Sorry about my misunderstanding you.  I have never used, or
thought of using mdutils.  I see no advantange to it.
 I have had 3 drives (2 IDE, 1 SCSI) connected at the same time.  All
of the drives were 1 Gig or more and I had various partitions mounted
on all of them.  As far as Linux is concerned, they were one drive.  As
long as the partition was in fstab, I never had to do anything more
then say 'cp xyx /downloads'  and the file xyz would be copied to the
drive (hda, hdb or sda) that I had the /downloads partition on.  So,
as I see it, The 3 drives ARE one file system.

  Now I realize that this is NOT the same as what mdutils calls one drive.
But as far as I am concerned it works the same and is very easy to
understand.  There may be good reasons to use mdutils (as I said, I
have never looked into it ) but I would not think it would offer ANY
advantage unless your drives were large (over 1 Gig).  Raid with 300
Meg of HD makes no sense to me at all.

> --
> mdutils - Multiple Device driver utilities
> The Multiple Device driver's main goal is to group several disks or
> partitions together, making them look like a single block device.
> With 1.3.60ish kernels configured appropriately you can concatenate
> partitions and/or stripe data across disks.  New (very alpha) kernel
> drivers allow raid1 and raid5, providing mirroring and so forth.
> This package contains the utilities for managing these features.
> --
> Another thing, I use fdisk or cfdisk to create a full partition on the
> drive, and then mke2fs it, and the partition disappears, but can still be
> mounted.. whats wrong here? I suppose I should mention it is connected to my
> sound card, as I have one IDE port on my IO card, and that has my first HDD
> and my CD-ROM, the first HDD does not 'like' having a slave for some reason.
> so the sound card systemseems to work fine.. comes out as /dev/hdc
> fdisk:
> --
> ROOT- /root > fdisk /dev/hdc
> Command (m for help): p
> Disk /dev/hdc: 12 heads, 17 sectors, 1024 cylinders
> Units = cylinders of 204 * 512 bytes
>    Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/hdc1            1        1     1024   104439+  83  Linux native
> Command (m for help):
> --
> then I mke2fs it:
> --
> ROOT- /root > fdisk /dev/hdc
> Warning: invalid flag 0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)
> Command (m for help): p
> Disk /dev/hdc: 12 heads, 17 sectors, 1024 cylinders
> Units = cylinders of 204 * 512 bytes
>    Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System
> Command (m for help):
> --

I hope that you are leaving out some steps in the above (for brevity)
as it won't work as you have writted it.

1.  After you have created the partition did you do 'v'?  If you had
  it would have told you that the '+' after 104439 Blocks indicated a
  problem. Might work anyway but you should check this.
2.  You did not say that you did 'w', to write the partition data.  If
  you didn't, that is why the next fdisk doesn't show it.  It isn't
3. Did mke2fs look like it was doing what it should?
4. Have you tried writing to that partition?  ie mount /dev/hdc /mnt ;
  cp anything /mnt ; ls /mnt .  Does the file get there?

 I hope that the above will help.  If not, please list every step that
you are doing so that we might be able to figure out why it is not
working correctly.


>                        Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                    It works fine except when I am in Windows.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Debian GNU/Linux....  Ooohh You are missing out!
> --
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