On Wed, 25 Mar 1998 12:47:56 -0600, you wrote:

>So, you may indeed be able to do this. In any case you should be able to use 
>NT Boot Loader to start linux. This is in fact what I do. Set up LILO in your
>linux partition and have it write the boot block there. Eg., if your linux
>partition were on the third scsi disk in the first partition, a command to do
>this would be 'dd if=/dev/sdc1 bs=512 count=1 of=linuxboo.bin'. Then copy that
>boot block to a file and stick that file in your main NT partition. Now edit 
>c:\boot.ini file and add a line for Linux, ala 'C:\linuxboo.bin="Linux"'
>(assuming you named the file "linuxboo.bin"). As long as your BIOS supports
>reading from the third drive this should work.

I have read about this in one of the HOWTO's.  This is a real pain for me
because my NT partition is ntfs, and I can't use linux tools to copy the boot

Is there some way to make a chain loader of some kind?  This would be a boot
sector that the NT boot loader uses.  It would boot whatever partition it
points to.  Then, whenever you re-compile a kernel, running lilo would update
the linux partition boot sector.  You would never have to touch the NT "chain"
boot sector again, unless you are changing drives.  Am I making any sense?

Dale P. Smith
Cleveland Linux Users Group: http://cleveland.lug.net/

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