I got A LOT of problems when trying to upgrade, my lack of response the past few days is because I was fixing my box. :) Well, this is the 'best' way to upgrade to glibc2, unfortunately, it is a very undesirable solution. Install 1.3.R6 fresh, THEN as dselect comes up, cancel, and immediately run the autoup.sh. It would be better if you predownloaded the "first hamm packages" first, but the script will prompt you. Ok.. run the script, then install everything. This will give you a VERY clean install of Debian 2.0 (unstable).
Actually, the best way to install 2.0, AFAICT and IMHO, is to use the brand-new 2.0 install disks. You can find them in the usual archives in the disks-i386 distribution. -- E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST. Trouble? E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .