Hi All,
Will wrote: > > Quick Newbie Question: > > What are *.gz files? And what can I do to read/print/view them? Ralph Winslow wrote: >They're compressed files; you can "zcat mumble.gz" to see its >content or "gunzip mumble.gz" to restore the mumble file to >its uncompressed state. You can get the most package that will view any *.gz file on the fly, except for tar files. If the compressed file is a binary file, most will hexdump it for you, otherwise the file will be shown as plain text. Most also has a built-in search engine and I have found it to be a "God send" at times. -- 0 0 L & R Associates " Home Page: http://www.netaxs.com/~ldc/ _______ooO ~ Ooo_______________________________________________ LeRoy D. Cressy /\_/\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Computer Consulting ( o.o ) Phone (215) 535-4037 > ^ < Fax (215) 535-4285 -- E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST. Trouble? E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .