On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Erik van der Meulen wrote:

> I have a small Debian box running as a server in a small network
> (NT/95).  Until now I have done all configuration using a terminal
> session from the client to the server (which does not have a
> monitor).  I would like to be able access my server with an
> x-client. All x-servers on the list seem to be dedicated to some
> graphical device. Is there a minimal installation I could perform
> which would allow me to have only the daemon on the server and
> the graphical stuff on the client?

What I think you want to do is to configure the server using GUI
utilities running on top of X, right? If so, you should not install 
a X-server on your server (no use since it got no monitor) but on 
the client you use when configuring the server. (If the client 
is a windows machine you might want to have a look at the free 
X-server MI/X at URL: 

Now you have to connect to the server (using a terminal 
connection), set the display on the server to point to a screen
on your client. This is done by setting the environment variable
DISPLAY to <client_network_address>:<display_number>. 

Assuming your client's network address is "myclient" you should use
the following command: "export DISPLAY=myclient:0" (or if you use 
(t)csh: "setenv DISPLAY myclient:0").

Now when you start a x-utility on the server it will use the display
on the client. Don't forget to set xhosts on your client to allow 
the server to use it's display though.

Hope this is to any help

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