In an article Alex Yukhimets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| In an article Peter Paluch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > I'm thinking of buying a SCSI for my computer. However, I have no
| > experience in this field. I'd like to buy some that works well
| > with Linux. What do you think of Adaptec and Western Digital?
| Only BusLogic (Mylex) is guranteed to work properly under Linux.

Huh? When did this happen? Certainly Adaptec was part of the first
SCSI support under Linux. I remember using my 1542B (which I still
have in my current Linux box) back in 0.9x Linux days. I also recall
when the BusLogic drivers weren't part of the kernel distribution and
you had to download them separately.

I currently have both an Adaptec 2940UW and 1542B in my linux box and,
other than doing kernel recompiles, I've never even had to think about
the fact that they're in there. They've worked flawlessly.

I do believe that BusLogic controllers, from what I've heard (so it's
only hearsay) have better performance, but are slightly more

If you're only running Linux and Win95 I don't think you can go wrong
either way but I'd go with the best performer if I were buying today.

Good Luck!
Gary Hennigan

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