> I just installed a new Debian system. I had to copy the base1 disk X times > on Y disks to get Debian to install. But now I get a LI instead of the > expected LILO: > What can I do without having to do a complete reinstall?
for me the only thing that has ever caused this (there are almost certainly other reasons though) is when i've been playing with bios and what type of hard drive it thinks it is. you'll have to excuse me i'm having a momentary brain fart and can't think of the words i want but the bit i mean is at the far right of the bios display and the options are "normal", "large" and "LBA" (i think thats correct anyway). your harddrive was possibly formatted with one option and bios is trying another. just reboot and change it until it works (remember what it was originally set to in case it is something else!!!) adam. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .