I presume that you installed the 'bo' or stable release (ver 1.3.1) and
that you installed close to the latest packages...

ppp-on and ppp-off were replaced with /usr/bin/pon and /usr/bin/poff.

Have you determined if your ISP uses PAP or CHAP?
Do you have to login with a 'username' or 'account' and 'password'?

Have you tried loggin in with a term program such as miniterm yet?

Unfortunately, the HOWTOs were originally write almost exclusively from
the standpoint of a Slackware distribution.  People using debian,
redhat, caldera, unifix, (as far as I know even slackware now), and
other distributions are sometime mislead in various ways by the HOWTOs.

Debian, in particular differs from the the specifics of the HOWTO.  This
deviation is not done 'just to be different' and indeed the entire Linux
community often eventually adopts the 'debian way'.

The debian effort is intended to produce a system that is upgradeable
with minimum impact on your configuration (and thus on you!).  However,
to do that usually requires that the debian distribution does things a
little bit differently than some of the other distributions have done
things in the past.

Unlike DOS and a number of other operating systems, Unix/Linux is pretty
famous for allowing users (and system administrators where applicable)
to choose many different ways to accomplish a given task.

As a practical matter, some restraint must be imposed upon system
administration if it is to be possible to produce a package mainenance
system that can upgrade packages while retaining the specific
configuration that you choose to run.

Thus, debian differs a bit from other distributions because alteration
that you make to your system should comply with the 'debian way' or
future upgrades could fail to properly install (in most of those cases
you would have to do your configuration over again).

Ivan & Ines Rojas wrote:
> Hi there,
> I just finish installing and setting my linux box, which wasn't a easy job
> for a windows user :-) and then I decided to use PPP.
> I install the module accordingly with the PPP-HOWTO but I'm missing the
> ppp-on and ppp-off files.
> I have no idea if I did something wrong, eventhough I didn't do much either.
> But any ways, my question is: how can I put these files in my system? can I
> just create them from the scratch using emacs or any editor? if that's so,
> where can I get the file templates?
> Please help me, I really want to try linux connected to internet, I've been
> trying 4 months to setup this machine and right now I just can logon, mess
> around and type "shutdown -r now". I'm starting to feel a little frustrated
> :-(
> Thanks a lot.
> Ivan

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