On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:

> Uh huh... that wasnt my question, but I have since installed procmail as a
> result of that thread. I guess I have another question, the smail
> configuration (transports) that procmail suggests, anybody had problems
> with it?? (this one:)
> local:  return_path, local, from, driver=pipe; user=root,
>         cmd="/usr/bin/procmail -d $($user$)"

I'll let the smail experts chime in on this one.

> and again, this rule for procmail, (above) where does this Resent-cc thing
> come in, and why does it need to be removed?

Put it in your "~/.procmailrc".  It will put all the debian realated mail
in a mail/Deb-user file.  BTW, the following should be at the top of your

# the following the the .procmailrc for Brandon Mitchell
# first some variables are initialized
MAILDIR=$HOME/mail                      # you'd better make sure it exists
DEFAULT=/var/spool/mail/bhmit1          # completely optional
LOGFILE=$HOME/.procmail/from.log        # you probably want to trim this
PMDIR=$HOME/.procmail                   # put all procmail scripts here
VERBOSE=off                             # turn on for debuging the logfile

Then, in pine, add mail/Deb-user to the list of incoming-folders.  Tabing
at the end of one folder should offer opening the next one with new
messages in it.

Good luck,

P.S. I almost forgot, removing the Resent-cc will eliminate the problem in
pine when replying to this group.  No more unexpected data in the cc list.

Brandon Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   "We all know linux is great... it
PGP: finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]          does infinite loops in 5 seconds"
Phone: (757) 221-4847                      --Linus Torvalds

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