On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Fernando Tadeu C Brandt wrote:
> > Netscape is showing the following error box when I try to open 
> > postscripts, sound file, etc:
> > 
> > sh: -c line 1: missing closing ')' for arithmetic expression
> > sh: -c line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
> > sh: -c line 1: '((gv /tmp/MO34FAF5B0003B1); rm /tmp/MO34FAF5B0003B1 )&'
> > 

> This is the classic symptom of running the somewhat-buggy bash-2.0 in bo.

The problem is that bash interpretates "((" not as two seperate brackets
but as a bracket for expression evaluated according to the arithmetic
evaluation rules and therefore misses the closing "))" bracket.

> I would suggest upgrading to hamm to get around this.  There is a bo
> version of bash-2.05 around which provides a workaround, but you have to
> be very careful when you do upgrade to hamm if you have that version
> installed (I found out the hard way). 

A faster solution whould be to install "ash" wich is distributed in
version 0.2-1 in bo. Use dselect, or for even faster install 
"dpkg -i bo/binary/shells/ash_0.2-1.deb" from your Debian 1.3x

When installed change the symlink name sh in /bin to point at ash 
instead of bash:

% cd /bin
% ln -sf ash sh

Good Luck

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