Henry Hollenberg     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Bill Leach wrote:

> I don't know the answer to that one but one possibility is that the
> package was present but that the 'Packages' had not yet been replaced.
> I did not look at the time stamps so I have no idea if that could
> possibly have been the problem but only that during 'archive
> maintenance' the various 'Packages' files could be 'out of sync' with
> what is actually present in the areas that the file cover.
> In the future, even if that was not the problem this time, you might
> want to take a look in the root of the debian tree to see if the zero
> length file "Archive-Maintenance' is present.  When that file is present
> there is a possibility that either a package that is present will not be
> listed in the package file or that there will be files listed that are
> not in the archive.

I ftp'd to ftp.debian.org and looked at / and /pub and didn't see

dselected and it still only found 2.0.30.  I'll just download the package
without dselect and then point dselect to it once I've got it on disk.

Thanks  hgh

> > I was using ftp.debian.org for the ftp setting on dselect but all it
> > found was 2.0.29 and 2.0.30 kernel-source packages.....why didn't it
> > find the 2.0.33 you list above?
> -- 
> best,
> -bill
> from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
> "The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
>          See!  They do get some things right!

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