Hi Debian folks,

Upon seeing that a set of installation files appeared under hamm I
got curious.

Using the single file version of the base disks and the 14400 versions
of the other disks I started an install from DOS.

Some observations:

1.  I was unable to get the installation program to see any files on
    my DOS partition or linux partitions using the method where
    the install program does the mount.

2.  I was able to mount a linux partition and give the full path name
    of the directory, though I had to do so twice.

3.  The time between steps seems much longer that previous version and
    there is little sign of activity.  However, I did wait it out and
    it did work.

4.  The installtion did say I could choose not to immediately install
    a regular user (this was in some bug list).

5.  I hit choose access method to see if it looked any different.
    Then, not having ppp set up yet, tried to quit with ^C.  This did
    not work.  (A kill -9 from another VT worked.)

6.  Other than these minor (for me) points, I thought it went quite

Congradulations and thanks

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