> If neither of these is there, then you don't have X installed.  You
   > must install xbase and one of the xserver-* packages.  If you want to
   > use XF86Setup then you must also install xserver-vga16.

   Clearly, it wasn't installed correctly.  There are all kinds of X
   applications and libraries in place, but I must have missed
   something.  I presume that a remove and re-install is the correct
   procedure then?

My guess is that you have the X libraries installed, but not the X
server.  See, if you do all your work on a remote machine, then you
don't need an X server but you can still use X applications.  But in
your case, you need to install one of xserver-* plus xbase.

If it still doesn't work after doing this, or if these are already
installed, then remove and re-install might help, but in general this
is not a solution to problems: this is not Winblows, where `reinstall'
is the cure to all problems.

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