At 20:52 -0500 1998-02-26, Ossama Othman wrote:
>I did notice one thing about the libs.  Why is the hamm wu-ftpd package
>installing libc5 instead of libc6?

It's a bug.

>Also, there were conflicts with the netstd ftpd man page that didn't allow
>me to install the package.  To make it work I had to force the install
>with dpkg.  I had similar problems when installing glibc-dev-2.0.7pre1-2.
>There was a conflict with ndbm.h from the libgdbm1-dev package (which is
>obsolete).  I had to uninstall libgdbm1-dev before it worked.  This is no
>problem but it is an inconvenience.  Does anyone know if this issue is
>being addressed?  Bo was the first Debian distribution that I used, and I
>never experienced this problem with bo.  Of course, I do understand that
>hamm is still considered unstable.

Overlaps between packages are bugs, however, dpkg usually has
--force-overwrite (which turns errors about overlaps into a mere warning)
implicitly enabled, however, the current release of dpkg in hamm has this
disabled so there is incentive to fix overlaps. It will be reenabled before
release. BTW, the latest libgdbm series of packages (in hamm) has fixed the
overlap with libc6-dev, and there are bugs filed against wu-ftpd and netstd
regarding the man page overlap.

Joel "Espy" Klecker    Debian GNU/Linux Developer    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<>                               <>
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