at some point around Thu, 26 Feb 1998 13:08:10 +0100
Frank Barknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:

> Carey Evans hat gesagt: // Carey Evans wrote:
> > Benoit Joly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > >   i found that everyone on our hubs can get my ftp, and pop3 password so
> > > easy with a sniffer.
> > > can i do something against that, because now i dont trust tcpip transfert,
> > > it send all my user name and password in ascii code.
> > 
> > Get ssh from a Debian non-US mirror.  This will solve most of your
> > problems.  For pop3, you can forward it over ssh, or use something
> > with APOP authentication if the content of your email isn't sensitive.
> > 
> How do I "forward pop3 over ssh"? 

i guess this isn't strictly a debian-related thing, but...

using the -L option for ssh...

>from an ssh man page:

     -L port:host:hostport
          Specifies that the given port  on  the  local  (client)
          host  is  to be forwarded to the given host and port on
          the remote side.  This works by allocating a socket  to
          listen  to  port on the local side, and whenever a con-
          nection is made to this port, the  connection  is  for-
          warded  over  the  secure  channel, and a connection is
          made to host:hostport from the  remote  machine.   Port
          forwardings  can also be specified in the configuration
          file.  Only root can forward privileged ports.

so you'd log into the machine which the pop server is running on using 
something like:

  ssh -L 110: name.of.pop.server

then configure your pop client to connect to port 110 of
(the machine you are running the ssh -L command from).  then just use
your pop client as usual.  note: the machine which runs the pop server
must have an ssh daemon (sshd) running for this to work.

you probably want to learn more about ssh if you are going to use it.
here is one place you might start looking:


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