On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 04:15, Shawn Lamson wrote:
> Hey all -
> I am working on getting my box to serve a webpage; it seems ok with
apache2 running (btw not the debian packaged version - it seemed
"whacked") but I have to use port 123.321.89.98:8000 b/c I can't seem to
get anything from port 80... I am assuming my ISP blocks port 80, but
what can I use to see if anything does in fact come in to port 80 and I
am somehow rejecting/denying the packets?  I am not running any sort of
firewall that I know of.

If your ISP is blocking the traffic, your machine will never see it,
much less reject it.  Try portscanning yourself from elsewhere, either
with nmap from a shell account, or from a web site such as
http://www.cablemodemhelp.com/portscan.htm or

They usually scan only a limited number of "popular" ports, but 80 would
certainly qualify...

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