On Tue, Feb 24, 1998 at 07:00:28PM -0800, Robert Smith wrote:
> Here is my problem:
> 1. I can not install Linux on any of my machine's
> hard drives because of different reasons, but there
> are no hardware problems with my machines hard
> drives, RAM, procesesors, etc.
> 2. I want to install Linux on a Syquest EzFlyer 135,
> which is supposed to be supported, but when I use the
> rescue disk it only shows my hard drive.

Is this a SCSI device or is it connected to the parallel port or what?
A _detailed_ description of your hardware might help.  If the EzFlyer
is connected to a SCSI card, what make/model is the card, and does it
have a BIOS, and if so, is it enabled?

> 3. I know very, very little about Linux.

We're here to help.


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