On 20 Feb, Bruce Dobrin wrote: > 1FA: is what I get when I try to boot from My hard drive. I had this > problem once before and the problem mysteriously went away. It hasn't gone > away yet on this box. this disturbs me. This is a new machine with a > 9gig cheeta drive, 1st (system) partition is 500meg. Any Ideas??? > > Thank you
That is a prompt from your BIOS, wanting to know which partition / drive to boot from. You might get this from pressing a key too soon in the boot sequence, or from not having a proper boot sector installed. If you are using LILO, check to make sure that it is installed on the boot sector rather than in the partition. -- Stephen Ryan Debian GNU/Linux Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .