On 20 Feb 1998, William R. Ward wrote:

> I have a motherboard that has a PS/2 mouse port.  It's *not* an ATX
> motherboard, though - the PS/2 port and the parallel port are together
> on a metal insert that goes in one of the card slot holes in the
> case.  I have a TrackMan that has a PS/2 port: with an adapter it
> works fine in the serial port, but I want to free up that port and use
> the PS/2 port on the motherboard.
> I tried plugging the mouse in, powering up the system, and configuring
> XFree86 to use /dev/psaux or /dev/psmouse, but no dice.  I also tried
> "cat /dev/psaux" and moving the trackball and pushing buttons, and saw
> nothing - I expected to see gibberish.  So maybe it isn't working at
> all!

Is the kernel (or kernel module) configured to support the ps/2 mouse?

Also check in the bios if the PS/2 port is enabled and at the excepted

Jean Pierre

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