Hello everyone,

Richard G. Roberto wrote:

> The init string
> is AT$N1=1, which works from within minicom and I can
> display the data transfer rate with AT\S to be 64K (sync
> mode).  But chat can't apparently send this string.  I tried
> escaping it with a \, but that didn't work.
> Any ideas on how to pass this init string in chat?  My chat
> string looks like this:
> chat -v "" atq0v1x3$n1=1 OK atdtxxxxxxxx CONNECT

Try to enclose the init string between '' (I don't know how to name
these characters in English, unfortunately :). And you will need to
escape it using triple-backslash, so it will be as follows:

chat -v "" 'atq0v1x3\\\$n1=1' OK atdt and so on...

One backslash stands for line break (used in long line scripts), two
backslashes stand for one normal backslash and three backslashes stand
for two normal backslashes which we are able to send to the modem.

Hope it helps. If not - just email :)

                      * Peter Paluch                  *
                      * Kukucinova 939/35             *
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