Hi all,
not really a debian question, so please excuse me if someone's bothered.
Is there any other SCSI cd writer supported by cdwrite (I have 2.0, any new
release?) except hp, yamaha, philips and kodak? I have a teac r55s and it seems
it's not supported. Is it really unsupported? Since it's so difficult to find 
external SCSI writers, I'd like to knmow it before I return the writer.
Yamaha looks like the only other chance available here. Any advice/model to 

thanks for your time.
||    || |||||||  Marco Frattola                     Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, Italy                    Microsoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''    [EMAIL PROTECTED]            "No" is the answer
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