On Mon, 9 Feb 1998, Daniel Martin at cush wrote:

> Gerald Wann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If find particularly interesting any lines in the file where a
> > timeout occurs. I have attached a snippet below, which is repeated
> > many times in the load process. Could anyone shed light on just what
> > is happening here?
> Hmm... - it appears that xemacs is attempting to do a dns lookup, and
> that's the connection that's taking so long.  If you had a bo machine, 
> I'd ask you what your /etc/host.conf said, (and make certain it had
> the line "order hosts,bind" at the top) but I know that in hamm the 
> configuration for name lookups has changed a bit - does anyone know
> what you need to do on a hamm box to be certain that gethostbyname()
> doesn't produce a dns query if a given name is found in /etc/hosts?

I needed to add an entry into /etc/nswitch.conf.

Jean Pierre

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