Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> one error to another.  I am at a loss as to my latest error that shows
> up in the ppp.log:
> Feb  2 21:28:48 charles pppd[343]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 
> Feb  2 21:28:48 charles pppd[343]: tcgetattr: I/O error
> Feb  2 21:28:48 charles pppd[343]: Exit
> If anyone can tell me what is causing this fault, and where I should
> look to fix it, I would appreciate it.
> As a side note, during boot it allocates ttyS0 as my modem, however, on
> my Windoze side it is allocated at com3.  This should mean that my modem
> needs to be configured for ttyS2 in linux correct??  I have tried
You have a interrupt conflict. Check /proc/interrupts. IRQ3 is for com1
and IRQ4 is for COM2 (unless you changed that). There shouldn't be other
hardware using these IRQs.

AFAIK you can't do IRQ sharing for the commports in Linux, so if have some
hardware using com1 and com3, you have to assign different irqs to them.


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